Jerome Cohen's Complete Bibliography
* selected works
* (Co-editor with William P. Alford, and Chang-Fa Lo) Taiwan and International Human Rights A Story of Transformation. New York: Springer, 2018.
* (Co-authored with Margaret K. Lewis) Challenge to China: How China Abolished Its Version of Re-Education Through Labor, Connecticut: Berkshire, 2013.
孔傑榮、陸梅吉(陳玉潔、陳彥嘉譯),邁向法治:台灣「流氓」制度的興廢與中國大陸「勞動教養」的未來,台北:元照(2013)[全文PDF下載:简体版 | 繁體版]。
(Co-editor with Daniel R. Fung, Neil Kaplan, Peter Malanczuk and Sheng Hang Wang) Arbitration in China: A Practical Guide. 2004. Hong Kong : Sweet & Maxwell Asia.
(Authored with the assistance of Ta Van Tai and Nguyen Ngoc Bich) Investment Law and Practice in Vietnam. Hong Kong : Longman Group. 1990.
(Authored with the assistance of Yvonne Y. F. Chan and Ho Yuk Ming) Contract Laws of the People’s Republic of China. Hong Kong and Chicago : Longman Group. 1988.
* (Co-authored with Joan Lebold Cohen) China Today and Her Ancient Treasures, Third Edition. New York : Abrams. 1986.
Legal Aspects of Doing Business in China, 1983. New York : Practising Law Institute. 1983.
(Co-Editor with R. Randle Edwards and Fumei Chen) China’s Legal Tradition. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press. 1980.
* (Co-authored with Hungdah Chiu) People’s China and International Law: A Documentary Study. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press. 1974
(Editor) China’s Practice of International Law: Some Case Studies. Cambridge, M.A. : Harvard University Press. 1972.
(Co-authored with Edward Friedman, Harold C. Hinton, Allen S. Whiting) Taiwan and American Policy: The Dilemma in U.S.-China Relations. New York : Praeger. 1971.
(Co-authored with Alexander Eckstein), China Trade Prospects and U.S. Policy. New York : Praeger. 1971.
(Editor) Contemporary Chinese Law: Research Problems and Perspectives. Cambridge, M.A. : Harvard University Press. 1970.
(Editor) The Dynamics of China’s Foreign Relations. Cambridge, M.A. : Harvard University, East Asian Research Center. 1970.
* The Criminal Process in the People’s Republic of China, 1949-1963: An Introduction. Cambridge, M.A. : Harvard University Press. 1968.
(Co-authored with Hungdah Chiu and Douglas Johnston) The People’s Republic of China and International Law: Observations. Cambridge, M.A. : Harvard Law School. 1967.
Book Reviews
Bernard Schwartz, The Supreme Court. In Yale Law Journal, pp. 169-172 (November 1957)
Kenneth Davis, Administrative Law Treatise. In California Law Review (May 1960)
John Hazard, Settling Disputes in Soviet Society. In California Law Review (December 1961)
Albert Blaustein, Fundamental Legal Documents of Communist China. In Yale Law Journal, pp. 838-843 (March 1963)
Year of the Swedes in China? In Harper’s Magazine, Vol. 231 (October 1965)
Dan Henderson, Conciliation and Japanese Law. In Harvard Law Review (December 1966)
Fu-shun Lin, Chinese Law Past and Present. In China Quarterly (April-June 1967)
F.P. Morello, The International Legal Status of Formosa. In China Quarterly (July-September 1967)
Arthur Lall, How Communist China Negotiates. In American Journal of International Law (April 1969)
L.C. Chen and Harold Lasswell, Formosa, China and the United Nations. In American Journal of International Law (April 1969)
Kenneth Young, Negotiating With the Chinese Communists. In American Journal of International Law (October 1969)
Richard H. Solomon, Mao’s Revolution and The Chinese Political Culture. In New York Times (December 1971)
Frank Gibney, Japan: The Fragile Superpower. In Boston Sunday Globe (April 13, 1975)
Dan F. Henderson, Foreign Enterprise in Japan: Law and Policies. In International Trade Law Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Spring 1975)
(Co-authored with Joan Lebold Cohen). Ross Terrill, Flowers on An Iron Tree. In The New York Times Book Review (October 5, 1975)
(Co-authored with Joan Lebold Cohen). Ruth Lor Malloy, Travel Guide to the People’s Republic of China. In The New York Times Book Review (October 5, 1975)
Chiang Ching, China Culture Watch. In Saturday Review, Vol. 4 (June 25, 1977)
Jonathan D. Spence, The Death of Woman Wang. In The New York Times Book Review (June 11, 1978)
H.N. Hirsch, The Enigma of Felix Frankfurter. In Hofstra Law Review, Vol. 1, No. 4 (Summer 1982)
Shao-chuan Leng, Justice in Communist China. In Law Library Journal, Vol. 62 (1969)
Robert Stuart Nathan, The White Tiger. In The New York Times Book Review (September 6, 1987)
Laszlo Ladany, The Communist Party of China and Marxism, 1921-85: A Self-Portrait. In Far Eastern Economic Review (March 23, 1989)
Willy Wo-Lap Lam, China After Deng Xiaoping: The Power Struggle in Beijing Since Tiananmen. In International Herald Tribune (July 27, 1995)
Liu Xiaobo, Perry Link, Tienchi Martin-Liao, Liu Xia (ed.) No Enemies, No Hatred: Selected Essays and Poems. In Foreign Affairs (January-February 2012)
Articles / Book Chapters / Speeches
“Intervention and the Meaning of ‘Bound’ Under Federal Rule 24(a)(2)” Yale Law Journal, Vol. 63, No. 3 (January 1954)
“The Jurisdictional Immunity of Foreign Sovereigns” Yale Law Journal, Vol. 63, No. 8 (June 1954)
“Law School Developments” Journal of Legal Education, Vol. 13 (1960)
“Mr. Justice Frankfurter” California Law Review, Vol. 50 (October 1962)
“Boalt Hall’s Summer Workshop for International Legal Studies” Journal of Legal Education, Vol. 13, No. 2
“The Criminal Process in the People’s Republic of China: An Introduction” Harvard Law Review, Vol. 79, No. 3 (January 1966)
“A Silver Lining to the War Crimes Clouds?” The Washington Post and The Boston Globe (August 1966)
“Chinese Mediation on the Eve of Modernization.” California Law Review, Vol. 54, No. 3 (August 1966)
“Interviewing Chinese Refugees: Indispensable Aid to Legal Research on China” Journal of Legal Education, Vol. 20 (October 1967)
“Chinese Attitudes toward International Law — And Our Own” Proceedings of the American Society of International Law (1967)
Comments on “Revolution, Reintegration, and Crisis in Communist China,” in P.T. Ho and Tang Tsou (ed.) China In Crisis, Vol. 1. Chicago : University of Chicago (1968)
Comments on “The Impact of Fifty Years of Soviet Theory and Practice of International Law” in "The View From Without" George Ginsburgs (ed.) Proceedings of the American Society of International Law (1968)
“New Developments in Western Studies of Chinese Law” Journal of Asian Studies (May 1968)
“Future Developments in Lawyer-Client Relationships” Federal Rules Decisions, Vol. 47 (September 1968)
“United States, China and Vietnam” Smith Alumnae Quarterly (August 1968)
“The Impact of Tradition Upon Chinese Communist Criminal Procedure — A Note on the Right to Counsel” Law and Society Review, Vol. 3, No. 2 and 3 (February 1969)
“The Chinese Communist Party and ‘Judicial Independence’: 1949-1959” Harvard Law Review, Vol. 82, No. 5 (March 1969) and in China Quarterly pp. 120-157 (April-June 1969)
Comments on “The Pueblo Crisis” Proceedings of the American Society of International Law (1969)
“Drafting People’s Mediation Rules for China’s Cities.” In J.N. Hazard and W.J. Wagner (ed.), Legal Thought in the U.S. of America Under Contemporary Pressures. 1970. Brussels : Etablissements Emile Bruylant. 1970.
Foreword to J.C. Vincent, The Extraterritorial System in China: Final Phase. Cambridge, M.A. : Harvard University Press. 1970.
“Continuity and Change in China: Some ‘Law Day’ Thoughts” South Carolina Law Review, Vol. 24, No. 1 (1972)
“China Policy” The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 227, No.1 (January 1971)
“Law, Sino-American Relations and Survival” Harvard Law School Bulletin, Vol. 22, No. 4 (April 1971)
“Memorandum for President-Elect Nixon on U.S. Relations With China.” Congressional Record, pp. 30765-30767 (August 6, 1971)
“Chinese Participation in the United Nations: Changing Realities and the Imperatives of New Policy” The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 65, No. 4 Strategies for World Order (September 1971)
“Recognizing China” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 50, No. 1 (October 1971)
“On Teaching Chinese Law” American Journal of Comparative Law. Vol. 15, No. 4 (Fall 1971)
Statement before the Subcommittee on Priorities and Economy in Government of the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, Washington, D.C. (August 11, 1971).
the First Public Hearing of the U.S.-China Security Review Commission, Washington, D.C., (June 14, 2001)
Remarks on “Comparative Approaches to Negotiations With The People’s Republic of China” Proceedings of American Society of International Law, Vol. 66 (1972)
(Co-authored with Shao-chuan Leng), “The Sino-Indian Dispute Over the Internment and Detention of Chinese Nationals” in Cohen (ed.) China’s Practice of International Law (1972)
“China’s Attitude Toward the North-South Problem,” Report of the 2nd Symposium on International Economic and Business Cooperation, Tokyo, Yomiuri Shimbun (1972)
“China and Intervention: Theory and Practice,” in University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Vol. 121, No. 3 (January 1973) and in John N. Moore (ed.). Law and Civil War in the Modern World, 1973. Baltimore : John Hopkins University Press.
“Chinese Law: At the Crossroads” American Bar Association Journal, Vol. 59 (January 1973) and in China Quarterly, No. 53 (January/March 1973)
“Notes on Legal Education in China” Harvard Law School Bulletin (February 1973) and in Student Lawyer (May 1973)
“Law and Cooperation in American-Northeast Asian Relations: A Foreword” Harvard International Law Journal, Vol. 14, No. 2 (1973)
“Education and the Revolutionary Cause” Harvard Magazine (February 1975)
Remarks on the Panel on Japan’s Assimilation of Western International Law. Proceedings of American Society of International Law (1975)
“Lawyers, Politics, and Despotism in Korea” American Bar Association Journal, Vol. 61, Issue 6 (June 1975)
“Just Fifteen Books on China?” Harvard Magazine (October 1975)
(Co-authored with Choon-Ho Park) “The Politics of China’s Oil Weapon” Foreign Policy, No. 20 (Fall 1975)
(Co-authored with Joan Lebold Cohen) “Up Against the Great Wall” Pacific, Vol. 4, No. 4 (1975)
“People’s Republic of China,” in Richard I. Miller (ed.). The Law of War. Lexington Books, D.C. : Heath & Co. 1975.
“How Election Results Might Affect U.S. China Policies” PHP (September 1976)
“A China Policy for the Next Administration” Foreign Affairs, Vo. 55, No. 1 (October 1976)
“The Personal Security of Businessmen and Trade Representatives” in Victor H. Li (ed.). Law and Politics in China’s Foreign Trade. Seattle : University of Washington Press. 1977.
“Reflections on the Criminal Process in China” Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. 68, No. 3 (1977)
Comments on "Japan's Handling of International Environmental Problems: Contradictions with the Domestic Record" in Julian Gresser (ed.) Proceedings of American Society of International Law Vol. 71 (April 21-23, 1977)
“Japanese Legal Studies” Harvard Law School Bulletin (Summer 1977)
(Co-authored with Joan Lebold Cohen) “How to Succeed in Business Without Compromising Democracy or Art: A Reading Guide to Contemporary Japan,” Harvard Magazine (November-December 1977)
“Sino-American Relations and International Law” in Oksenberg and Oxnam (ed.). Dragon and Eagle: United States – China Relations: Past and Future. New York : Basic Books. 1978.
(Co-authored with Choon-Ho Park) “China’s Oil Policy” in S.C. Leng (ed.). Post-Mao China and Prospects of U.S.-China Trade. Charlottesville : University Press of Virginia. 1978.
“China, Normalization and Agreements” Proceedings of the American Society of International Law (1978)
“Normalizing Relations with the People’s Republic of China” American Bar Association Journal (July 1978)
(Co-authored with Frederick E. Snyder) “New Directions: Training Law Teachers” Harvard Law School Bulletin (Spring 1978)
“Will China Have a Formal Legal System?,” American Bar Association Journal (October 1978)
“China’s Changing Constitution,” China Quarterly, Vol. 76 (December 1978)
“Arms Sales and Human Rights: The Case of South Korea,” in Peter G. Brown, Douglas MacLean (ed.). Human Rights and U.S. Foreign Policy, Lexington, M.A. : Lexington Books. 1978.
“Due Process [in China]?” in Ross Terrill (ed.). The China Difference. New York : Harper & Row. 1979.
“Is There Law in China?” International Trade Law Journal. Vol. 5 (1979)
“The Lawyer, The Businessman, And China Trade” U.S. China Trade Law Conference (1979)
“China’s New Joint Venture Law” in Howard M. Holtzmann and Walter Sterling Surrey (ed.). A New Look at Legal Aspects of Doing Business with China, Developments a Year After Recognition. New York : Practising Law Institute. 1979.
“Human Rights in East Asia: An American Response” Harvard Law School Bulletin (Winter 1979)
“Has Justice a Fairer Future in China?” Asia (January/February 1979)
“China’s Changing Constitution” Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Spring 1979)
“Will Carter’s Visit to Seoul Promote Human Rights or Dictatorship?” Christian Science Monitor, Vol. 71 (June 21, 1979)
(Co-authored with W. Gage McAfee) “China Hopes Law Will Help Boost Economy” Journal of the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong (April 1979)
“The Year of the Law and End of Arbitrary Courts” Far Eastern Economic Review (October 5, 1979)
“The Legal System of China” Journal of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, Vol. 8, Nos. 2-3 (1980)
“Building Up the Joint-Economic Framework” Far Eastern Economic Review (March 7, 1980)
“A Year of High Adventure in Coming Joint Ventures” Far Eastern Economic Review (March 7, 1980)
“New Light on China’s Joint Ventures” East Asian Executive Reports (May 1980)
“Challenges of Commercial Diplomacy” Journal of the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong (August 1980)
“The Bank of China Clears Up Its Legal Status” Euromoney (December 1980)
“China’s New Lawyer’s Law” American Bar Association Journal, Vol. 66 (December 1980)
“Harvard’s Program in Law Teaching - A New Dimension in Graduate Legal Education” Journal of Legal Education, Vol. 31, Nos. 1-2 (1981)
“Equity Joint Ventures” China Business Review, Vol. 9, No. 6 (November-December, 1982)
Foreword to “China’s Criminal Codes” Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology Vol. 10, No. 4 (1982)
(Co-authored with Jamie P. Horsley) “The Trademark Law of the People’s Republic of China” in Martha L. Landwehr (ed.). Private Investors Abroad - Problems and Solutions, New York : Matthew Bender. 1983.
“Rebuilding China’s Shattered Legal System” Asia (November/December 1983)
Remarks on “Legal Implications of Recognition of the People’s Republic of China” Proceedings of the American Society of International Law, Vol. 72 (1978)
Foreword to Heng Liang and Judith Shapiro, Son of the Revolution. New York : Knopf. 1983.
“Negotiating Complex Contracts with China” in Parviz Saney and Hans Smit (ed.). Business Transactions With China, Japan and South Korea. New York : Matthew Bender. 1983.
“The New JV Regulations” The China Business Review (November/December 1983)
“Lending to China” The China Business Review (January/February 1984)
“Shenzhen’s New Contract Law” The China Business Review (September/October 1984)
“China and Mitsubishi in the Year 2001” Mitsubishi Magazine
“China’s Taxation of Representatives Offices” International Financial Law Review (1985)
“The New Foreign Contract Law” The China Business Review (July/August 1985)
(Co-authored with Ellen R. Eliasoph) “China’s New Technology Import Regulations” The China Business Review (November/December 1985)
(Co-authored with Charles H. Harris) “Equal Pay for Equal Work” The China Business Review (January/February 1986)
“China Adopts Civil Law Principles” The China Business Review (September/October 1986)
(Co-authored with David G. Pierce and Isabelle Trousseau-Magny) “Les Principes Generaux du Droit Civil Chinois” D’Asie-Export (October 21, 1986)
(Co-authored with Ta-kuang Chang) “New Foreign Investment Provisions” The China Business Review (January/February 1987)
“Foreword: Chinese Law” Harvard International Law Journal, Vol. 28, No. 2 (Spring 1987)
(Co-authored with David G. Pierce) “Legal Aspects of Licensing Technology” The China Business Review (May/June 1987)
“The Role of Arbitration in Economic Co-operation with China” in Michael J. Moser (ed.) Foreign Trade, Investment, and the Law in the People’s Republic of China, Second Edition. New York : Oxford University Press. 1987.
(Co-authored with Stuart J. Valentine) “Foreign Direct Investment in the PRC: Progress, Problems and Proposals” The Journal of Chinese Law, Vol. 1, No. 2 (Fall 1987)
“Sex, Chinese Law and the Foreigner” Hong Kong Law Journal, Vol. 18, No. 1 (1988)
“An American Perspective on China’s Legislative Problems” The China Business Review (March/April 1988)
“Major Legal Problems and Issues of Concern About China’s Economic Laws and Regulations” Beverly Hills Bar Association Journal, Vol. 22, No. 1 (Winter 1987-88)
“The Long-Awaited Cooperative Venture Law” The China Business Review (July/August 1988)
(Co-authored with Stuart J. Valentine) “Recent Chinese Legislation Assisting Foreign Investors to Solve Their Hard Currency Problem: Import Substitution and other Options” Brigham Young University Law Review, Vol. 1988, No. 3 (1988)
“Legal Framework for Investment” in Eugene K. Lawson (ed.). U.S. China Trade: Problems and Prospects. New York : Praeger. 1988.
“Fevers and Frustrations” The China Business Review (January/February 1989)
(Co-authored with Wing-wah Mary Wong) “The IBM Case: A Milestone for Intellectual Property Protection?” The China Business Review (May/June 1989)
“Law and Leadership in China” Far Eastern Economic Review (July 13, 1989)
(Contributor) “The Future of U.S.-Indo-China Relations,” Asian Update. Asia Society : New York. (October 1989)
“Tiananmen and the Rule of Law” in George Hicks (ed). The Broken Mirror: China After Tiananmen. Chicago : St. James Press. 1990.
(Co-authored with Adam Kearney) “Domestic Arbitration: The New Beijing Arbitration Commission” in Freshfields (ed.) Doing Business In China. Yonkers, N.Y. : Juris Pub. 1990.
“China’s Influence on Vietnam’s Emerging Legal Environment” The China Business Review (May/June 1990)
“Vietnam: China Dèja Vu?” All Asia Review (September/October 1990)
Contribution to Fairbank Remembered, compiled by Paul A. Cohen and Merle Goldman. Cambridge, M.A. : John K. Fairbank Center for East Asian Research, Harvard University. 1991.
Foreword to Albert Hung-yee Chen, An Introduction to the Legal System of the People’s Republic of China, First Edition. Hong Kong: LexisNexis. 1992.
“Going Back for More” The China Business Review (May/June 1995)
“Hong Kong: Domestic Politics/Socio-Economic Developments and Implications for the United States and the PRC,” in David M. Lampton and Alfred D. Wilhelm, Jr. (eds.). United States and China Relations at a Crossroads. Lanham, M.D. : University Press of America. 1995.
(Co-authored with John E. Lange) “The Chinese Legal System— A Primer for Investors” in Morgan Stanley & Co. (ed.). Focus on China. 1995 and in New York University Journal of International Law, Vol. 17 (1997)
(Co-authored with Terence A. Dixon) “Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in China” IPAsia (March 1996)
(Co-authored with Nicholas C. Howson) “Chinese Industry Opens to Overseas Investment” National Law Journal (March 11, 1996)
“Reforming China’s Civil Procedure: Judging the Courts” The American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol. 45, No. 4 (1997)
“Settling Business Disputes With China” delivered at the International Institute for Sociology of Law. Onati, Spain (June 1999)
“Foreword” in Mansfield Center for Pacific Affairs. The Rule of Law: Perspectives from the Pacific Rim. Washington, D.C. : Mansfield Center for Pacific Affairs. 2000.
“Foreword: Scrutinizing the Inscrutable” in Jesse T.H. Chang, Isabelle I.H. Wan, and Philip Qu. China’s IT Policy & Legislation, Vol. II. TransAsia Publishing Ltd. April 2001.
“Opening Statement” before the First Public Hearing of the U.S.-China Security Review Commission, Washington, D.C., (June 14, 2001)
“China’s Troubled Path to WTO” International Financial Law Review (September 2001)
“A Legal Laoganbu Looks Back” China Rights Forum, No. 2 (2003)
“The Plight of China’s Criminal Defense Lawyers” Hong Kong Law Journal, Vol. 33, Part 1 (2003)
“China and the WTO: progress, perils, and prospects.” Columbia Journal of Asian Law, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Fall 2003)
(Co-authored with Jared Genser) “Waiting on China” Washington Post (April 26, 2004)
(Co-authored with Adam Kearney) “Domestic Arbitration: The New Beijing Arbitration Commission” Doing Business in China. Vol.3, Sec. IV. Freshfields :Juris Publishing, Inc. July 2004.
Foreword to Albert Hung-yee Chen, An Introduction to the Legal System of the People’s Republic of China, Third Edition. Hong Kong: LexisNexis. 2004.
“Time to Fix China’s Arbitration” Far Eastern Economic Review (January 2005)
“Law in political transitions: lessons from East Asia and the road ahead for China.” New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, Vol. 37, No. 3 (Spring 2005)
(Co-authoredwith Matt Williams) “To Strengthen Ties with China, Speak the Language First,” Christian Science Monitor, Vol. 97, No. 216 (September 30, 2005)
“China Trips Up Its Barefoot Lawyers” Far Eastern Economic Review (November 2005)
“The Great Stonewall of China.” Wall Street Journal-Eastern Edition, Vol. 247, No. 88 (April 15, 2006)
“Keynote: An Introduction to Law in China” Vermont Journal of Environmental Law, Vol. 8 (March 2, 2007)
“Congressional-Executive Commission on China: Human Rights and the Rule of Law in China” Chinese Law & Policy Review, Issue 2 (2007)
“A Slow March to Legal Reform” Far Eastern Economic Review (October 2007)
“Hu Jia in China’s Legal Labyrinth” Far Eastern Economic Review (May 2008)
“China’s Reform Era Legal Odyssey” Far Eastern Economic Review (December 5, 2008)
“The Struggle for Autonomy of Beijing’s Public Interest Lawyers” HRIC China Rights Forum (No 1, 2009), pp. 7-14
“Perspectives on Justice in Taiwan” Taiwan in Comparative Perspective, Volume 3 (December 2009)
(Co-authored with Eva Pils) “The Fate of China’s Rights Lawyers” Far Eastern Economic Review (December 4, 2009)
“Friedmann Memorial Award Address” Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, Vol. 49, Issue 1 (2010)
(Co-authored with other members of mission) “Report of the Mission to China of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York December 6 to 17, 2009,” New York City Bar: Council on International Affairs (May 2010)
“The U.S. (‘The West’) and China: Differing Conceptions of the Role of Law and the Rule of Law”, Draft Conference Paper for the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars (July 19-20, 2010)
“Introduction to Part V” in John Gillespie and Albert H. Y. Chen (ed.), Legal Reforms in China and Vietnam: A Comparison of Asian Communist Regimes (Routledge: London) September 2010.
(Co-authored with Margaret K. Lewis) “The Enduring Importance of Police Repression: Laojiao, the Rule of Law and Taiwan’s Alternative Evolution” The Impact of China’s 1989 Tiananmen Massacre (2011)
"Reforming China's Criminal Procedure: An Introduction to this" Columbia Journal of Asian Law, Vol. 24, Issue 2 (Spring 2011), pp. 213-228
“Ted Kennedy’s Role in Restoring Diplomatic Relations with China” New York University Journal of Legislation and Public Policy, Vol. 14, Number 2 (May 2011)
"My First Trip to China: “The Missionary Spirit Dies Hard," Hong Kong Economic Journal, (September 3, 2011).
Foreword to Albert Hung-yee Chen, An Introduction to the Legal System of the People’s Republic of China, Fourth Edition. Hong Kong: LexisNexis. 2011.
"Hungdah Chiu, China, and International Law: A Life Well Spent," Maryland Journal of International Law, Vol. 27, Issue 1 (May 2012)
Dispute Resolution in Different Societies, Formal and Informal Procedure: Chinese National Report, in Civil Procedure in “Cross-Cultural Dialogue: Eurasia Context,” Dmitry Maleshin, (ed.) (2012), pp. 68-81
“Loss to the Nation and the World : A Tribute” University of Hawaii Law Review (2012), pp. 37
“Criminal Justice in China: From the Gang of Four to Bo Xilai” Human Rights Watch (July 25, 2013)
“Struggling for Justice: China’s Courts and the Challenge of Reform,” World Politics Review (January 14, 2014)
“How Taiwan’s Constitutional Court Reined in Police Power: Lessons for the People’s Republic of China,” co-authored with Margaret K. Lewis, 37 Fordham Int’l L. J. 863 (2014)
"Settling International Business Disputes with China: Then and Now 2014 Symposium: Never the Twain: Emerging U.S.-Chinese Business Law Relations" Cornell International Law Journal (2014), pp. 55
"Chen GuangCheng" Berkshire Dictionary of Chinese Biography Volume 4 (2015)
"Establish Yourself at Thirty: My Decision to Study China's Legal System," Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs, Volume 33 (2015).
China’s Future – and Our Own, Statement Before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, hearing: “China’s Rise: The Strategic Impact of Its Economic and Military Growth” (June 2015).
"Hong Kong in 1963-4: adventures of A Budding China Watcher," Hong Kong Law Journal, Vol. 47, Part 1 of 2017.
"Preparing for China at Berkeley: 1960-63," Berkeley Center for Chinese Studies (May 2017).
“Law and China's 'Open Policy': A Foreigner Present at the Creation," American Journal of Comparative Law (Winter 2017), pp. 729.
Foreword to Albert Hung-yee Chen, An Introduction to the Legal System of the People’s Republic of China, Fifth Edition. Hong Kong: LexisNexis. forthcoming 2018.
(Co-authored with Yu-Jie Chen) “China–Taiwan Repatriation of Criminal Suspects: Room for Human Rights?,” Hong Kong Law Journal, Vol. 48, Part 3, 2018, pp. 1029-1066.
(Co-authored with Yu-Jie Chen) Freedom from Arbitrary Detention in Asia: Lessons from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, October 15, 2018, in Oxford Handbook of Constitutional Law in Asia (David Law, Holning Lau and Alex Schwartz eds., Forthcoming).
“Law and Power in China’s International Relations,” NYU Journal of International Law and Politics, Vol. 52, No. 1, 2019, pp. 122-165.
“Law's Relation to Political Power in China: A Backward Transition,” Social Research: An International Quarterly, Vol. 86, No. 1, 2019.
“Was Helping China Build Its Post-1978 Legal System A Mistake?” Virginia Journal of International Law Online, June 2020.
“Hail to OCU Law School’s Intrepid Helmsman in China!” Oklahoma City University Law Review, Vol. 45, 2020.
“‘Rule of law’ with Chinese characteristics: Evolution and manipulation,” International Journal of Constitutional Law, 2021.
Op-Eds and Commentaries
“The Chinese Legal System” Chicago Today (Spring 1966)
“A window half opened on North Korea" The Christian Science Monitor (October 31, 1972)
“Human Rights in South Korea: Implications for U.S. Policy,” Christianity and Crisis (August 18, 1975)
“Japan’s Watergate: Made in U.S.A.” The New York Times Magazine (November 21, 1976)
“Human Rights in China” Washington Post (April 23, 1978)
“China Sweet and Sour” Nieman Reports (Autumn 1978)
“A Taiwan Dissident’s Long Road to Prison” The Asian Wall Street Journal (April 30, 1980)
“From Harvard’s Halls to Prison in Taiwan” The Asian Wall Street Journal (May 19, 1980)
“Kim Must be Spared” The New York Times (Sept. 18, 1980)
“The Gang of Four Trial” Los Angeles Times (January 11, 1981)
“After Kim’s Freedom” The New York Times (December 23, 1982)
“A Case Against Screening” South China Morning Post (June 11, 1990)
“China: Clinging to Courts on a Marxist Model” The Washington Post (January 14, 1991)
“Press the Cause of Human Rights with Chinese Leaders” The Japan Times (April 15, 1991)
“Going on Trial in China” The Washington Post (July 14, 2001)
“China Needs Real Defence Lawyers” South China Morning Post (September 17, 2002)
(Co-authored with Jared Genser) “Yang Jianli’s Trial of Injustice” The Asian Wall Street Journal (August 4, 2003)
“Weak court system nearing crisis point: the US expert” South China Morning Post (March 2, 2006)
“‘Rightist’ Wrongs” The Asian Wall Street Journal (June 26, 2007)
“A Just Legal System” International Herald Tribune (December 12 2007)
“If All Goes Well” South China Morning Post (July 10, 2008)
“China’s Jailed Champions” South China Morning Post (July 26, 2008)
“State of Surveillance” South China Morning Post (August 7, 2008)
“Loosening Beijing’s Invisible Hand” South China Morning Post (August 21, 2008)
“Medals for Human Rights Heroes” The European Lawyer (September 25, 2008)
“Triumph and Adversity” South China Morning Post (September 4, 2008)
“Milk Scandal Leaves Sour Taste for Foreign Investors” South China Morning Post (October 2, 2008)
“Body Blow for the Judiciary” South China Morning Post (October 18, 2008)
“Torture Under Scrutiny” South China Morning Post (November 1, 2008)
“Ties That Blind” South China Morning Post (November 13, 2008)
“Rebuilding Trust” South China Morning Post (November 27, 2008)
“Taiwan on Trial” Wall Street Journal Asia (December 23, 2008)
“Legal Reform Can Promote Harmony” South China Morning Post (December 25, 2008)
“Chen Judges Bungle Their Chance” South China Morning Post (January 8, 2009)
“Law’s Repeal Raises Bar for Beijing” South China Morning Post (January 24, 2009)
“Inching Towards Fairness” South China Morning Post (February 7, 2009)
(Co-authored with Eva Pils) “The Disappearance of Gao Zhisheng” Wall Street Journal Asia (February 9, 2009)
“Softly Softly” South China Morning Post (February 19, 2009)
“April Fools Days in Tibet” South China Morning Post (March 7, 2009)
“Beijing Must Reveal Fate of Human Rights Lawyer” South China Morning Post (March 19, 2009)
“Court of Mass Appeal” South China Morning Post (April 4, 2009)
“Lesson in Integrity for All” South China Morning Post (April 18, 2009)
“Fine Words Lack Specifics” South China Morning Post (May 2, 2009)
“Political Tremors” South China Morning Post (May 14, 2009)
“Will Beijing Follow Taipei’s Lead On Human Rights” South China Morning Post (May 28, 2009)
“Silence of the Lambs” South China Morning Post (June 11, 2009)
“People’s Justice” South China Morning Post (June 25, 2009)
“Rough Justice” South China Morning Post (July 9, 2009)
“Prisoner of the System” South China Morning Post (July 21, 2009)
“Chairman Ma’s Challenge / Ma Ying-Jeou’s Bold Step Needs an Enlightened Opposition Response,” co-authored with Yu-Jie Chen, Wall Street Journal Asia (July 28, 2009)
“State of Secrecy / China's draft State Secrets Law has much revision but no reform,” co-authored with Jeremy Daum, South China Morning Post (August 6, 2009)
“Law for the Times / Imposing artificial 'stability' at the expense of justice can no longer work for a changing China” South China Morning Post (August 20, 2009)
“Key Decisions / Bail in China: A Crucial Human Right” South China Morning Post (September 3, 2009)
“A Work in Progress / The Trial(s) of Chen Shui-Bian” South China Morning Post (September 17, 2009)
“The Darker Side of the Chinese Miracle” South China Morning Post (October 1, 2009)
“The PRC Legal System At Sixty,” East Asia Forum (October 1, 2009).
“Viewed from Afar / The Utility of Foreign Criticism” South China Morning Post (October 15, 2009)
“Taiwan’s Constitutional Court: A Model for Beijing?” South China Morning Post (October 29, 2009)
“Flame of Conscience / Obama, Human Rights and China” South China Morning Post (November 12, 2009)
“Out in the Open / Can Publicity Help China’s Detained Visitors?” South China Morning Post (November 26, 2009)
“Art of the Covenant / China, Taiwan and International Human Rights Day,” South China Morning Post (December 12, 2009)
“Arbitrary Justice / Ignoring its own laws, China is set to execute a Briton with an apparent history of severe mental illness,” South China Morning Post (December 23, 2009)
“China’s Hollow ‘Rule of Law’” CNN (December 31, 2009)
“Rough Justice / Akmal Shaikh’s Trial Shows China Must Improve Its Handling of Criminal Suspects with Mental Issues,” South China Morning Post (January 5, 2010)
“Under Threat / Proposals targeting Taiwan’s defence lawyers are dangerously similar to mainland curbs,” co-authored with Yu-Jie Chen, South China Morning Post (January 20, 2010)
“The People’s Will / Public sentiment can play a dangerous role in mainland justice,” co-authored with Oliver Zhong, South China Morning Post (February 3, 2010)
“Fight the Good Fight / Human Rights and U.S.-China Relations,” South China Morning Post (February 17, 2010)
“Network Solutions / The mainland will only establish genuine rule of law by limiting
political and personal interference,” South China Morning Post (March 4, 2010)
“Tied to the Cause / Taiwan’s Democracy and the Death Penalty,” South China Morning Post (March 17, 2010)
“China’s Missing Human Rights Lawyer,” co-authored with Beth Schwanke, New York Times (March 19, 2010)
“Law Unto Itself / Is A Rising China Losing Respect for International Law?”, co-authored with Yu-Jie Chen,” South China Morning Post (April 1, 2010)
“China Rips Up Rule Book,” co-authored with Yu-Jie Chen, The Age (April 1, 2010)
“Sage Advice / China can boost its ‘soft power’ with some Confucian-style compassion towards jailed dissidents,” South China Morning Post (April 14, 2010
“Don’t Argue / China’s Criminal Defense Lawyers — An Endangered Species,” co-authored with Yu-jie Chen, South China Morning Post (April 28, 2010)
“Slippery Slope / Taiwan’s Return to Executions: The Need for Procedural Reforms,” co-authored with Yu-jie Chen, South China Morning Post (May 11, 2010)
“Secret Agenda / Reforms to China's secrecy law do little to soften its draconian powers,” co-authored with Jeremy Daum, South China Morning Post (May 26, 2010)
The Silencing of Gao Zhisheng,” co-authored with Beth Schwanke, Wall Street Journal (May 31, 2010)
“Prisoner in His Own Home / ‘Shanghaied’ at Home—And Forever?,” co-authored with Yu-jie Chen, South China Morning Post (June 10, 2010)
“Return of the Native / Do Chinese Have a Right to Return Home?,” co-authored with J. Colin McGee, South China Morning Post (June 22, 2010)
“Smart Politics / Taiwan's leaders should welcome review of cross-strait pacts,” co-authored with Yu-jie Chen, South China Morning Post (July 7, 2010)
“Justice Denied / How China Handles ‘State Secrets’ Prosecutions: Xue Feng’s Case,” South China Morning Post (July 21, 2010)
“Why China Is Reining in ‘Shaming’,” New York Times Room for Debate (August 2, 2010).
“Safe and Sound / The US-China Consular Convention: Need for Greater Protection for Individuals,” South China Morning Post (August 4, 2010)
“Siding with the Rule of Law / Neither ‘Green’ or ‘Blue’,” South China Morning Post (August 19, 2010)
“Rules and Reality / China’s Criminal Justice and Chongqing’s Anti-Triad Campaign: Law v. Practice,” co-authored with Eva Pils, South China Morning Post (September 2, 2010)
“Breaking Point? / The persecution of 'barefoot lawyer' Chen Guangcheng adds to China's miserable record,” South China Morning Post (September 14, 2010)
“Across State Lines / Protecting Nationals Abroad: Implications of the Diaoyu/Senkaku Dispute,” South China Morning Post (September 28, 2010)
“Nobel Ripples / The Impact of the Peace Prize,” South China Morning Post (October 13, 2010)
“Finding its Sea Legs / China has outgrown its mistrust of international laws, not least in its maritime affairs,” co-authored with Jon Van Dyke, South China Morning Post (October 26, 2010)
“Lines of Latitude / Japan needs to reassess its legal position on claims in the East China Sea,” co-authored with Jon Van Dyke, South China Morning Post (November 10, 2010)
“Empty Chairs in Oslo Speak Volumes / Don’t Forget Those Yet to Win the Peace Prize!,”co-authored with Eva Pils, Wall Street Journal (November 12, 2010)
“High Stakes / China’s Claim to the South China Sea,” co-authored with Jon Van Dyke, South China Morning Post (November 24, 2010)
“Limits of Tolerance / China’s Exclusive Economic Zone: A US-China Danger Zone,” co-authored with Jon Van Dyke, South China Morning Post (December 7, 2010)
“Dark Days and Rights / Human Rights Day with Chinese Characteristics,” South China Morning Post (December 22, 2010)
“Maoist Thought Police / Does Chairman Mao Rule Chinese Justice from the Grave?,” South China Morning Post (January 4, 2011)
“Question Time / Some Human Rights Questions for President Hu,” South China Morning Post (January 19, 2011)
“Political Sport / Where was the Hu-Obama Summit Left ‘Human Rights’?,” South China Morning Post (February 1, 2011)
“When Sparks Fly / China should learn from the Egyptian uprising that ruthless repression ultimately leads to instability,” South China Morning Post (February 16, 2011)
“Legal Pitfalls / Criminal Justice for Foreign Business People in China?,” South China Morning Post (March 2, 2011)
“The Jury’s Out / A ‘People’s Jury’ Trail for China’s Criminal Defendants?,” South China Morning Post (March 16, 2011)
“Law Unto Itself / ‘A Socialist Legal System with Chinese Characteristics’,” South China Morning Post (March 30, 2011)
“Absolute Power / Ai Weiwei: Captive Poster Boy for China’s Criminal Justice System,” South China Morning Post (April 12, 2011)
“Out of Reach / The Ai Weiwei Case: So Far, So Bad,” South China Morning Post (April 27, 2011)
“Not a Pretty Picture / Police, Party and Punishment in China,” South China Morning Post (May 10, 2011)
“No Place Like Home / Ai Weiwei’s Continued Detention,” South China Morning Post (May 26, 2011)
“Turning a Deaf Ear / The Suppression of China’s Human Rights Lawyers: Do Foreign Lawyers Care?,” South China Morning Post (June 7, 2011).
“Happy Returns? / Fitful progress of China's legislative reform,” South China Morning Post (June 22, 2011)
“China’s Shame Over Ai Weiwei” Wall Street Journal Asia (June 24, 2011)
“Partners on Crime / Cross-Strait Cooperation in Fighting Crime,” co-authored with Yu-Jie Chen, South China Morning Post (July 6, 2011).
“First, They Came for the Lawyers” Foreign Policy (July 12, 2011)
“Justice of Peers / South Korea’s Evolving Citizens ‘Jury’: A Model for China and Taiwan?,” South China Morning Post (July 20, 2011).
“In Safe Hands? / Canada’s Lai Changxing Case and China’s,” South China Morning Post (August 3, 2011).
“People’s Court / Has Japan Found the Best Way for Ordinary Citizens to Take Part in Deciding Criminal Cases?,” co-authored with Mizuki Koshimoto, South China Morning Post (August 17, 2011).
“My First Trip To China: The Missionary Spirit The Missionary Spirit Dies Hard,” ChinaFile (September 3, 2011).
“Open to Debate / Taiwan’s Proposed Experiment with Citizen Assessors in Criminal Trials,” co-authored with Yu-Jie Chen, South China Morning Post (September 9, 2011).
“Seeking Shelter / China’s struggle for criminal justice,” co-authored with Yu Han, South China Morning Post (September 28, 2011)
“Wrong Side of the Law / Lawlessness, public opinion and censorship in China,” South China Morning Post (October 26, 2011)
“China’s Legal Blindness,” Wall Street Journal Asia (November 3, 2011)
“Law’s Protectors / Will China’s prosecutors become ‘watchdogs of legality’?,” co-authored with Yu Han, South China Morning Post (November 23, 2011)
“China’s Latest Legal Crackdown” Wall Street Journal Asia (December 13, 2011)
“Engage, Don’t Isolate / North Korea: the American Dilemma,” South China Morning Post (December 30, 2011)
“Harmful Effects / Time to end the torture of Gao Zhisheng,” co-authored with Jared Genser, South China Morning Post (January 26, 2012)
“Deft Moves / The Shanghai Communique 40 years later: a job well-done,” South China Morning Post (February 22, 2012)
“Champion of Change / Bo Xilai, criminal justice and China’s leadership,” South China Morning Post (March 23, 2012)
“The Big Squeeze / Incommunicado detention in China,” South China Morning Post (April 18, 2012)
“The Chen Guangcheng saga: Heavy on diplomacy — and luck,” Washington Post (May 7, 2012)
“Flights of Fancy / Conspiracy speculations and the Chen Guangcheng case,” South China Morning Post (May 9, 2012)
“Crunch Time for rule of law in China / Will China’s next leaders take the rule of law seriously?,” South China Morning Post (June 6, 2012)
“Scales of Injustice / China’s Quest for ‘Soft Power’: Confucius and Criminal Defense Lawyers,” South China Morning Post (July 6, 2012)
“Rough Justice / Will Akmal Shaikh’s execution spur China’s criminal justice reform?,” South China Morning Post (August 1, 2012)
“A Call from the Dark / For Taiwanese, the mainland remains a dangerous place,” co-authored with Yu-Jie Chen, South China Morning Post (September 5, 2012)
“A Wiser Course / How Asia can defuse island disputes,” South China Morning Post (October 5, 2012)
“Pawns of the System / Politics before justice for Bo Xilai, Chen Kegui,” South China Morning Post (October 31, 2012)
“Cry Freedom / Will 2013 see progress in China's rights protection?,” South China Morning Post (December 10, 2012)
“Legal Challenge / Bo Xilai case is the biggest test for China's legal progress since Gang of Four trial,” South China Morning Post (January 4, 2013)
“Gradual Process / Is this really the end of re-education through labour?,” South China Morning Post (January 16, 2013).
“Forging Ahead / Taiwan quietly forging ahead in human rights protection,” co-authored with Yu-Jie Chen, South China Morning Post (May 12, 2014).
“Loose Ends / Can Chinese leaders all agree on how to try Bo Xilai?,” South China Morning Post (July 25, 2013).
“The Bo Xilai Trial: What’s It Really About?, Comments,” ChinaFile (July 25, 2013).
“How Dangerous Are Sino-Japanese Tensions?,” ChinaFile (August 1, 2013).
“Negotiation—Not War—Can Resolve China's Conflict With Japan,” The Atlantic (August 2, 2013).
“Empty Promises / Bo Xilai's trial underlines need for cross-examination in court,” South China Morning Post (August 26, 2013)
“The Bo Headache / For China's leaders, the Bo Xilai problem has not gone away,” South China Morning Post (October 1, 2013)
“Hard Work / Plenum pledge won't make scrapping China's labour camps any easier,” co-authored with Margaret K. Lewis, South China Morning Post (November 19, 2013)
“Abe must act now to seal Fukushima nuclear reactors, before it's too late”, co-authored with Julian Gresser and Ernst Frankel, South China Morning Post (April 5, 2014)
“Spy Vs. Spy: When is Cyberhacking Crossing the Line? A ChinaFile Conversation,” ChinaFile (April 6, 2014).
“What Obama Should Say About China in Japan A ChinaFile Conversation,” ChinaFile (April 22, 2014).
“Not a moment too soon!,” Thinking Taiwan (May 5, 2014)
“Reasonable doubt / Taiwan's handling of murder case raises question of cross-strait co-operation,” South China Morning Post (May 12, 2014)
“Arrested freedom / After June 4, China is still fumbling towards respect for rights of all,” South China Morning Post (June 2, 2014)
“The Debate Over Confucius Institutes A ChinaFile Conversation,” ChinaFile (June 23, 2014).
“Chen Guangcheng Goes to Washington,” The Diplomat (July 28, 2014)
“Justice in Theory / Zhou Yongkang case shows China's rule of law still good only in theory,” South China Morning Post (August 18, 2014)
“Human Rights and Cross-Strait Relations,” co-Authored with Yu-Jie Chen, The Diplomat (August 21, 2014).
“Rule of Law—Why Now? A ChinaFile Conversation,” ChinaFile (October 17, 2014).
“China's socialist rule of law still offers real hope of improvements to legal system,” South China Morning Post (November 4, 2014)
“China’s New Constitution Day: Is it Worth Celebrating? ,” ChinaBrief (November 20, 2014)
“Xi’s Crackdown on Corruption has hit the obvious targets,” Financial Times (January 1, 2015)
“Normalisation of Sino-US Ties Was the Right Move, as Today’s China Shows,” South China Morning Post (January 7, 2015)
“Revisiting Chen Guangcheng’s Great Escape: How Did the Blind Dissident Escape the Clutches of China Securities ?” The Wall Street Journal (March 15, 2015).
“Detention of women's activists makes mockery of 'rule of law'” South China Morning Post (March 26, 2015)
“Blind Activist Chen Guangcheng Recounts Thrilling Escape from China in New Autobiography,” South China Morning Post (March 21, 2015)
"Glimpses of Lee Kuan Yew," East Asia Forum (May 25, 2015).
“Did the Game Just Change in the South China Sea? (And What Should the U.S. Do About It?) A ChinaFile Conversation,” ChinaFile (May 29, 2015).
“Will China Close Its Doors?,” co-authored with Ira Belkin, New York Times (June 1, 2015).
“China, US can keep the peace,” South China Morning Post (June 20, 2015)
“Behind Zhou's Trial / Why was Zhou Yongkang denied a public trial like Bo Xilai's?,” South China Morning Post (July 6, 2015)
“Lack of due process mars China’s war on drugs,” co-authored with Chi Yin, East Asia Forum (May 25, 2015).
“Where is China headed?,” East Asia Forum (June 25, 2015).
“Obstacles to Trust / Differing outlooks impede Sino-US cooperation to enhance cybersecurity,” co-authored with Zachary Goldman, South China Morning Post (August 3, 2015).
“Should the U.S. Extradite Chinese Wanted by Beijing? A ChinaFile Conversation,” ChinaFile (August 5, 2015).
“A Call from the Dark / For Taiwanese, the mainland remains a dangerous place,” South China Morning Post (September 5, 2015)
“The insecurity underpinning Xi Jinping’s repression,” Washington Post (September 23, 2015).
“A Mockery of China's Pledge on Rule of Law / Delay in HKU appointment of Johannes Chan makes a mockery of Beijing's pledged support for rule of law,” co-authored with Alvin Cheung, South China Morning Post (September 25, 2015).
“The China-Taiwan Summit, A ChinaFile Conversation,” ChinaFile (November 5, 2015)
“The Cross-Strait Meeting's Lasting Impact,”Foreign Policy (November 9, 2015)
“China in 2016 A ChinaFile Conversation,” ChinaFile (December 23, 2015).
“China’s Courts Continue to Silence Critics of Party Policies,” South China Morning Post (December 29, 2015)
“Cruel irony: China’s Communists are stamping out labor activism,” co-Authored with Eli Friedman and Aaron Halegua, The Washington Post (January 3, 2016)
“Why the elections in Taiwan matter so much – for Beijing, the region and the US, ” South China Morning Post (January 15, 2016)
“The Dilemma Facing Rights Lawyers in China, ” The Wall Street Journal (January 18, 2016)
“A Legal Defense Against Chinese Oppression”, Wall Street Journal (February 16, 2016)
“‘Rule by Fear?’ A ChinaFile Conversation,” ChinaFile (February 18, 2016).
“Can Taiwan show Beijing and the world how disputed islands should be used for peace?, ” South China Morning Post, (February 19, 2016).
“A Looming Crisis for China’s Legal System”, Foreign Policy (February 22, 2016).
“Forecasting the Aftermath of a Ruling on China’s Nine-Dash Line,” Foreign Policy (April 20, 2016).
“Japan’s important sideshow to arbitration decision in the South China Sea,” coauthored with Peter A. Dutton, East Asia Forum (May 16, 2016).
“Is there a way for Beijing to save face after the South China Sea arbitration ruling?,” South China Morning Post (June 15, 2016).
“Like it or not, UNCLOS arbitration is legally binding for China,” East Asia Forum (July 11, 2016).
“The Wisdom of The Hague's South China Sea Decision," Wall Street Journal (July 19, 2016).
“End the tug of war / Beijing and Taipei should end their tug of war over repatriation of criminal suspects,” co-authored with Yu-Jie Chen, South China Morning Post (September 28, 2016).
“A shot at peace / Why Trump should give nuclear-armed North Korea a shot at peace,” co-authored with Edward J. Baker, South China Morning Post (February 6, 2017).
“A Taiwanese Man’s Detention in Guangdong Threatens a Key Pillar of Cross-Straits Relations,” co-authored with Yu-Jie Chen, ChinaFile (April 20, 2017).
“Heavy price of fighting everyday injustices in China / Activists in China pay a heavy price for fighting everyday injustices,” South China Morning Post (May 2, 2017).
“What Taipei’s same-sex ruling can teach China / Taiwan’s landmark ruling on same-sex marriage highlights the gulf with mainland China,” South China Morning Post (May 29, 2017).
“Move Mountains / How India border stand-off gives China a chance to burnish its global image,” co-authored with Peter A. Dutton, South China Morning Post (July 21, 2017).
“Political Prisoners in Hong Kong, A ChinaFile Conversation,” ChinaFile (August 17, 2017).
“Is American Policy toward China Due for a ‘Reckoning’?, A ChinaFile Conversation,” ChinaFile (February 15, 2018).
“Xi Jinping sees some pushback against his iron-fisted rule,” Washington Post (August 3, 2018).
“It’s Too Easy to Wind up in a Chinese Psychiatric Hospital, and Far Too Hard to Get Out,” co-authored with Chi Yin, ChinaFile (August 23, 2018).
“Warning Sign / How China’s trial of Lee Ming-che is a warning to Taiwanese activists inspired by freedoms and democracy,” co-authored with Yu-Jie Chen, South China Morning Post (October 2, 2018).
“Normalization of Sino-American Relations: 40 Years Later,” ChinaFile (January 9, 2019).
“Meng Wanzhou’s case, Beijing’s response and two legal scandals highlight the ‘rule of law’, as preached – and practised – in Canada and China,” South China Morning Post (March 12, 2019).
“What Does the Punishment of a Prominent Scholar Mean for Intellectual Freedom in China?, A ChinaFile Conversation,” ChinaFile (March 28, 2019).
“The forgotten victims of China’s Belt and Road Initiative,” co-authored with Aaron Halegua, Washington Post (April 24, 2019).
“If Beijing wants an extradition law with Hong Kong – and elsewhere – it should reform its judicial process,” South China Morning Post (May 23, 2019).
“A Chinese lawyer remains isolated in prison. We must join his wife in demanding justice,” Washington Post (May 30, 2019).
“What Does the Pause of Hong Kong’s Extradition Bill Mean?,” ChinaFile (June 19, 2019).
“Can China’s Government Replace Hong Kong?, A ChinaFile Conversation,” ChinaFile (August 27, 2019).
“Time for an inquiry / An independent inquiry is still the only way to end the protests and keep Hong Kong’s story from ending tragically,” South China Morning Post (November 15, 2019).
“History shows Hong Kong and Macau are no twins / Macau and Hong Kong are too different for Beijing to treat them like peas in a pod,” South China Morning Post (December 21, 2019).
“Beijing must come clean on arbitrary detention of Taiwanese or risk hurting its soft power ambitions,” co-authored with Yu-Jie Chen, South China Morning Post (March 26, 2020).
“Why Does the WHO Exclude Taiwan?,” co-authored with Yu-Jie Chen, In Brief, Council on Foreign Relations (April 9, 2020).
“China should not use the coronavirus as an excuse to silence human rights activists like Wang Quanzhang,” South China Morning Post (April 15, 2020).
“Wang Quanzhang and China’s ‘Non-Release Release,” The Diplomat (April 23, 2020).
“Is Hong Kong Still Autonomous? What to Know About China’s New Laws,” In Brief, Council on Foreign Relations (May 29, 2020).
“Will China’s New National Security Law Be the ‘Anti-Virus’ Software That Locks Down Hong Kong?” The Diplomat (June 17, 2020).
“The Misuse of China’s Mental Hospitals,” The Diplomat (August 13, 2020).
“Don’t Rush to Fully Normalize Relations with Taiwan,” Newsweek (August 31, 2020).
“The Vagaries of Crime and Punishment in China,” The Diplomat (September 15, 2020).
“Why Covid-19 citizen journalist Zhang Zhan’s fate deserves greater scrutiny,” South China Morning Post (January 3, 2021).
“The Struggle Over Jimmy Lai’s Bail Is a Struggle Over Hong Kong’s Freedom of Expression,” The Diplomat (January 5, 2021).
“How long can Hong Kong courts resist the pressure to act more like those on the mainland?,” South China Morning Post (January 24, 2021).
“The Long-Term Implications of the Jimmy Lai Bail Decision,” The Diplomat (February 11, 2021).
“Should Murder Go Unpunished? China and Extradition, Part 1 & Part 2” The Diplomat (June 23 and 24, 2021).
“China’s Disappeared: How Beijing Silences Critics,” Council on Foreign Relations: In Brief (November 23, 2021).
“The Complexities of China’s Struggle For Justice,” The Diplomat (May 12, 2022).
石油合作 两岸关系下一个突破?,中国时报,2008/07/10。
台湾投资者当心! ─中国毒奶事件的启示,中国时报,2008/10/02。
台签「人权公约」 中跟进?,中国时报,2009/05/28。
中国保密法 换汤不换药?(孔杰荣、唐哲合著),中国时报,2009/08/06。
中设宪法法院 取经台湾?,中国时报,2009/10/29。
谢赫惨案 唤得醒大陆司改?,中国时报,2010/01/07。
「被消音」的高智晟 (孔杰荣、Beth Schwanke合著),苹果日报,2010/06/15。
国民应有归国权利(孔杰荣、 J. Colin McGee合著),中国时报,2010/06/24。
ECFA 与台湾政治(孔杰荣、陈玉洁合著),中国时报,2010/07/08。
中国及其海洋争端(孔杰荣、約翰.范戴克Jon Van Dyke合著),中国时报,2010/10/28。
钓鱼台是颗不定时炸弹(孔杰荣、約翰.范戴克Jon Van Dyke合著),中国时报,2010/11/11。
中国对南中国海的主张(孔杰荣、約翰.范戴克Jon Van Dyke合著),中国时报,2010/11/25。
中美关系的危险地带(孔杰荣、約翰.范戴克Jon Van Dyke合著),中国时报,2010/12/09。
中国的刑事司法"正义",中国时报, 2011/03/03。
这一次,他们决定抓律师“开刀” ──中国最新一波镇压行动,亚美法研究所,2011/07/12。
南韩陪审团制 可行?,中国时报,2011/07/21。
加拿大摆脱赖昌星? ,中国时报,2011/08/04。
日本裁判员制度 可行? (孔杰荣、Mizuki Koshimoto合著),中国时报,2011/08/18。
拖延陈文敏任命 如嘲讽中国“支持法治”宣言,明报,2015-09-28。
中国不应视公民社会组织为威胁,(孔傑榮、傅青山、何宜倫合著 )金融时报中文网,2015-01-11
公共律师在转型社会中的角色, 金融时报中文网, 2016-02-01
台湾能就和平解决岛屿争端做出表率吗?, 金融时报中文网, 2016-03-02
在中國維權的代價─倪玉蘭的故事, 風傳媒, 2017-05-09.
北京錯估逮捕李明哲的後果, 風傳媒, 2017-06-06.
北京審判李明哲 釋放清晰而強烈的警訊(孔杰荣、陈玉洁合著), 風傳媒, 2017-10-03.
在中國「被失蹤」的台灣人(陈玉洁、孔杰荣合著), 風傳媒, 2020-03-27.
中國「港版國安法」會成為封鎖香港的「防毒軟體」嗎?風傳媒, 2020-06-23.
美台建交是「核子選項」,恐將引發毀滅性戰爭, 風傳媒, 2020-9-11.
是否保釋黎智英,已成香港言論自由的新戰場, 風傳媒, 2021-1-14.
黎智英保釋案判決與香港司法的未來, 風傳媒, 2021-2-17.